rural canvas


It doesn’t have a proper path to walk. All I noticed was loose clumps of wet clay and a few stones thrown in on its surface at short intervals. The stones are strong and wide enough to walk preventing my feet not to sink into the swampy puddle. It was a secluded area were I stumbled in last Sunday. 

I stopped my car, got down and I stared down at the dirty trail and like someone called me I walked to this obscure place. I noted it isn’t any further away from the city I live, but my initial reaction was, ‘how could people neglect a place like this, such commercially rich fields, but starved of the basic amenities.’ 

I haven’t paused at whatever sloppiness that surrounded me, my eyes scanned for anything green, colorful, bright, like a bird on a branch, a bullock cart, a tired hand working in the fields. I wandered about looking for a splash of nature that could please me and my camera. Whatever, this strange location didn’t disappoint me.

I enjoyed the harvesting fields stretched lazily on either side the uneven jagged path, the cattle chomping and hanging out in foggy wintry sun. Just as if surveying me from above a group of birds presented themselves with a seducing caw, ‘don’t miss, click us fast,’ The lotus flowers: the aquatic beauties were the icing on the cake: the dynamics of the filmy water surface with the early shafts of sunlight glamourizing the lotuses left my camera delightedly dazed.

Enjoy the New Year’s magical of India’s rural flourishes.

rural canvas

rural canvas

rural canvas

rural canvas

rural canvas

rural canvas

rural canvas

rural canvas